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AUBMC Naef K. Basile Cancer Institute
Dedication: April 2009


See what the NKBCI has become today

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Fady Geara.JPG
Dr. Fady Geara, Head of Radiation Oncology at AUBMC, was the founding Director of the NKBCI

AUB Bulletin TodayMay 2009 Vol. 10 No. 7

April 24 saw the dedication at the American University

of Beirut Medical Center of the Naef K. Basile Cancer

Institute (NKBCI), a state-of-the-art adult cancer facility

that provides comprehensive cancer treatment and


The institute was made possible through a

contribution by the Naef K. Basile Foundation,

established in 1995 following the death of Dr. Naef Basile,

a Lebanese-American obstetrician-gynecologist whose

lifelong wishwas to give back to his country of birth.

He wanted to establish an institute that would compare

with the best cancer centers in the world.

The Naef K. Basile Cancer Institute outpatient unit takes

up an entire floor of Building 56. Its inpatient unit is

housed on the eighth floor of the American University

Hospital. The NKBCI, including a pioneer group with multiple specialties for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, will also establish programs on health education for cancer prevention and early diagnosis.

Through its partnership with the Naef Basile Foundation, AUBMC will be able to treat 50 percent of the newly diagnosed cases in Lebanon every year—two times its current capacity.

                                                                  Director of the NKBCI, Fady Geara, MD, a radiation oncologist at AUBMC, inaugurated the

                                                                  dedication session with a PowerPoint presentation featuring the history behind the completion of

                                                                  the NKBCI. Dr. Geara said that the NKBCI hopesto “enlarge the clinical faculty group and sub-

                                                                  specialties,… improve patient access to our facility, enlarge our clinical laboratory… , and modernize

                                                                  our radiation facility.”

                                                                  Dr. Geara also praised the late Dr. Naef K. Basile for his vision and perseverance, which led to the

                                                                  establishment of the NKBCI. “We pledge the pursuit of his [Naef K. Basile’s] dreams and

                                                                  professional excellence,” Geara said.

                                                                 AUB President Peter F. Dorman, attending the ceremony, said, “The motto of the Basile Cancer

                                                                Institute—’Where Body, Mind and Spirit Join in the Healing Process’— reflects its mission as a place

                                                                where doctors will work with patients and their families to fight cancer, one of the most devastating

                                                                diseases of our time. The men and women associated with the center will also contribute to the

                                                                worldwide fight against cancer through research, education, and efforts such as the development of

                                                               a national cancer registry for Lebanon.”

President Dorman added that it took around 40 years of fundraising and work to fulfill the late Basile’s 1971 dream of establishing a medical care facility in Lebanon.

Vice President for Medical Affairs and the Raja N. Khuri Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Nadim Cortas thanked the Naef K. Basile Foundation, Dr. Basile’s late wife Rebecca, who passed away in 2007, and his daughter Theresa, now president of the foundation, for making this dream a reality.

“It is not surprising that today this dream is transformed into reality through the generosity of an openhanded visionary, the late Dr. Naef K. Basile, who as a young physician left Lebanon 70 years ago to fulfill his hopes and ambitions in the United States. His dream and hard work made him an illustrious and accomplished obstetrician and gynecologist. His lifelong career was at the Cornell Medical Center in New York,” said Dean Cortas.

“Throughout his life, Dr. Basile’s generosity supported many worthy causes. While he was on the faculty at Cornell School of Medicine, he teamed up with a circle of friends from Lebanon led by the late Danny Thomas and was one of the founders of the American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities (ALSAC), which established the famous and prestigious St. Jude’s Children’s Cancer Center. He was the only physician on the founding board. With ALSAC, he gave back to America for what it gave him, but he did not stop there,” he added.

“Towards the early 1990s, Dr. Basile, driven by his desire to give back to Lebanon, and fuelled by his passion, visited Lebanon and decided that it needed a cancer center,” he explained.

Theresa Basile thanked all those involved in supporting this endeavor, namely AUB’s Board of Trustees and its chair, Thomas Morris, MD, and recounted how dear the establishment of the BCI was to her father and mother. “The greatest thing about this institute is the thousands of lives it is going to save,” Basile said.

The dedication ceremony included talks given by representatives from the NKBCI’s partner institutions in the United States. Karen Fields, MD, and vice president for Global Oncology at the University of Texas at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, gave a lecture, “The MD Anderson Cancer Center Sister Institutions Network.”

Thomas Fahey, MD, director of the International Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, lectured on collaboration between AUB and the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Last, Otis Brawley, MD, chief medical officer and executive vice president of Research and Cancer Control Center at the American Cancer Society, lectured on cancer screening and prevention.

The ceremony ended with a dedication and tour of the NKBCI outpatient facility.




Please note: the initials for the cancer institute given in the original article (BCI) have been corrected here (NKBCI). Also, this article states that the Naef K Basile Foundation was established in 1995; the correct year is 1998.

See what the NKBCI has become today.

From left to right: Dr. Karen Fields, VP for Global Oncology MD Anderson Cancer Center,; Peter Dorman, AUB President; Otis Brawley, chief medical officer, American Cancer Society; M. Theresa Basile, NKBF President; Dr. Nadim Cortas, AUB Dean of Medicine, Dr. Thomas Fahey, director of the International Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; Dr. Fadi Geara, Director of the NKBCI; Dr. Fadlo Khuri, NKBF Trustee.
The text on this plaque which is located at the NKBCI:

The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas, USA
Is proud to a
Sister Institution
The American University of Beirut
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center
Beirut, Lebanon
June 6, 2007
From its inception, NKBCI has maintained close collaborative relationships with both M.D. Anderson and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in
New York, two of the pre-eminent cancer centers
in the United States. More recently, the NKBCI has also established a collaboration with the Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, another top ranked comprehensive cancer center.
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